The History of New Beginnings


It all started when...

New Beginnings, as an entity, has been around for nearly a decade. Most of the early years were spent gathering and implementing a governance patterned off of, roughly, Indiana Teen Challenge. The local courts never really backed the idea of modifying sentences to New Beginnings, so for a number of years, there were only 1, maybe two residents here at a time, and the curriculum was too intensive, perhaps, for the men that were placed here. While there was much early anticipation for New Beginnings, the ministry lost a lot of momentum -- and financial backing -- as interest dwindled in it.

The story of how our property came to be is only a God-thing in itself. The building we reside in was a former Methodist Church, after changing hands several times, our buildings (church and parsonage) as well as the five acres we call home was purchased the through the Methodist governance for under $10,000. It was purchased outright with no mortgage.

In April of 2015, the Board made a change in leadership and brought me in to look at the rules and governance, and bring a change of energy, perhaps, to the ministry. The initial governance said that residents would have no contact with the outside world for up to six months, but most of the men we deal with are on probation and are required to be in ready contact with law enforcement agencies. We also added a few wrinkles, to where we offer 72 hour relief with virtually no questions asked as long as they aren't a registered sex offender and aren't under the influence of substances. At the end of that 72 hour window, we will start asking the men to help out more around the house and job sites we have, more or less giving them up to a 2 week window of stay. At the end of that time, we sit down with the men and talk about this concept of discipleship, and start investing in the men more of our resources, with our studies and service opportunities. Devotions are mandatory every evening. Missing them results in a talking to, then a call to action. If that call to action is missed, then we look at exit strategies for the guys.

With our current situation, we are able to put men to work to keep their minds busy with our mowing program. We also do some light construction and lawn management. We can pay the guys through this, as well.